2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
    Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Newman University’s Institutional Identity

Our Mission Statement

We are a Catholic university named for Saint John Henry Newman and founded by the Adorers of the Blood of Christ for the purpose of empowering graduates to transform society.

Our Core Values

Newman University’s Mission Statement is grounded in the following Core Values:

Catholic Identity

(“We are a Catholic university…)

As a Catholic institution of higher learning, Newman finds guidance in Ex corde ecclesiae and other teachings of the Catholic Church and draws nourishment from its relationships with surrounding Catholic communities and dioceses. At the same time, our Catholic identity is distinctively shaped by the influence both of our founders and sponsors, the Adorers of the Blood of Christ, and of our namesake, the Catholic theologian and educator Saint John Henry Newman. From the Adorers, we receive our special mission of developing and empowering our graduates to work for the betterment of society-a mission inspired by the Adorers’ own founder, Saint Maria De Mattias. From Saint Newman, we inherit our vision of the university as an institution that educates the whole person to seek the truth and to lead a meaningful and purposeful life. Finally, with a strong liberal arts foundation, our curriculum honors the richness and vitality of our Catholic intellectual heritage while affirming the value of dialogue involving persons of varied cultures and religious traditions.

Academic Excellence

(…named for Saint John Henry Newman…)

Following the ideals of Saint Newman, we seek to educate the whole person. A firm grounding in the liberal arts strengthens all our programs and instills habits of lifelong learning that will accompany graduates as they pursue a variety of personal, academic, and professional goals. Newman’s faculty strives to utilize best practices in instruction, the insights derived from scholarly research, and a culture of assessment to promote classroom and program improvement, while the small college atmosphere of Newman facilitates the development of an active, dynamic learning community. In addition, Newman University has a special mission-to make an environment of academic excellence available to a diverse range of students and to empower those students, through the education we provide, to transform the world. In sum, it is the development of the intellectual, moral, and spiritual capabilities of the entire university community combined with our collective dedication to the promotion of peace and social justice that characterizes academic excellence at Newman University.

Culture of Service

(…and founded by the Adorers of the Blood of Christ…)

The passion to serve others is integral to the missions of both Newman University and the Adorers of the Blood of Christ. We actualize this mandate by fostering a distinctive culture of service in which each member of the community is encouraged to find personally fulfilling ways of growing through giving. Manifestly, gifts of time and talent are visible symbols of our commitment to transforming the human condition, while inwardly, service is also transformative for the student who successfully develops a critical consciousness that hungers and thirsts for justice and peace. Through our Christ-centered humanitarian commitment to serving the under served, we honor that common mission which we share with our founders and sponsors, namely that of developing and empowering people.

Global Perspective

(…for the purpose of empowering graduates to transform society.”)

Newman University is committed to promoting an interdependent global perspective formed by a critical consciousness that hungers and thirsts for justice and peace. More than just an awareness of other cultures, such a perspective affirms the interdependent nature of all of creation. At the same time, it speaks to the ideal of the educated person in the modern world: a person who possesses a strong sense of self yet embraces difference; a person who not only seeks knowledge but effectively applies it; a person of wide vision who remains well grounded. To this end, we seek to engage a diverse array of students in outstanding educational experiences designed to cultivate the knowledge, skills, and values they will need to become leaders in the transformation of an increasingly complex and interconnected world.

The Newman Code

All members of the Newman community pledge to live by the Newman Code. Reflecting the same underlying ideals as the Newman University Mission and Core Values, the Newman Code shows how each of us can translate those ideals from the institutional level into personal thought and action:

As a member of the Newman community, I pledge to live in the spirit of critical consciousness by respecting the dignity of every person, honoring both personal and institutional integrity, and striving to embrace all humanity.

To Live in the Spirit of Critical Consciousness

Newman University is an educational community rooted in Judaeo-Christian principles that challenges all who join it to accept the responsibility of forming a critical consciousness. This means more than just learning to perceive injustice; it also means developing the willingness and skills to take action against it. Through the power of reason and an embrace of the Gospel call to love our neighbor as ourselves, we strive to create a more just and peaceful world. The Newman Code expresses our commitment to engaging the whole person in the effort to transform society.

To Respect Dignity

Understanding that diverse perspectives are integral to a learning environment, we value the insights of every member of the Newman community. When differences of opinion and belief arise, we put aside personal prejudices and listen carefully with open minds. We respond calmly, thoughtfully, and with consideration for opposing views. At all times we treat others with the same respect to which we are entitled. We uphold, and when necessary defend, the inherent dignity and the fundamental rights of all individuals. Mindful of everyone’s need for conditions that support their work and development, we respect both public and private property and work to promote a safe and cooperative learning environment.

To Honor Integrity

Confronting life truthfully, we hold our word as our bond. If we say we will do something, we do it. We believe that remaining true to our word, even in the face of temptation or persecution, has a value beyond measure. By pledging to honor our personal integrity, we commit ourselves to being honest and forthright at all times-in the classroom, on the playing field, and in our private and professional lives.

In particular, as members of a community of higher learning, we hold academic integrity in special regard: we neither provide nor accept any unauthorized aid on academic work. In all personal and academic matters, we abide by the relevant policies and codes of Newman University.

To Embrace All Humanity

Embracing humanity means creating a welcoming climate of kindness, warmth, and love. It begins with those nearest us, but it does not end there. Promoting right relationships among all individuals, we seek to foster a culture of inclusion wherein every person feels valued and encouraged to perform to his or her full and unique potential. Although diverse as individuals, we are united as members of one human family. Conscious of this, we strive to live in the spirit of the Good Samaritan by selflessly considering the disadvantaged and offering service to those in need, supporting and assisting one another in our respective life journeys.

ASC Mission Statement

As a sponsored ministry of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ (ASC), Newman University exists to further the ASC Mission:

The United States Adorers of the Blood of Christ, rooted in the Gospel of Jesus, are ecclesial women, living in community, witnessing God’s love in Mission to empower others, foster oneness, celebrate life, form right relationships, and walk as compassionate companions.

At Newman, we strive to ensure a high degree of congruence between our Mission and that of the ASC Sisters. The following table highlights some important connections between the two mission statements:

Newman Mission Statement We are a Catholic university… …named for Saint John Henry Newman… …and founded by the Adorers of the Blood of Christ… …for the purpose of empowering graduates to transform society.
ASC Mission Statement To celebrate life To foster oneness To walk as compassionate companions To empower others
Comment One of the central precepts of Church teaching is the fundamental dignity of the human person. It is on this basis that the Catholic Church has developed its unshakable commitment to the value of human life. Saint Newman’s writings on education emphasize the importance of a holistic approach to education as well as the unitary nature of truth and knowledge. Newman University thus “fosters oneness” both as a place where the whole person is educated as one and as a place where the essential unity of truth becomes manifest. As its history clearly shows, the founding of this institution by the Adorers was itself an act of extraordinary service and devotion to humanity. At Newman we strive daily to emulate the Sisters’ remarkable spirit of charity and compassion. At Newman, we understand higher education to be a means of empowerment, and we answer the ASC call to empower others by naming this as the very purpose for which we exist.

Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy

Newman University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, religion, age, national origin, handicap or disability, veteran status, or any other classification protected by local, state and/or federal laws. Any persons having inquiries concerning this may contact the vice president for academic affairs, 3100 McCormick, Wichita, KS 67213-2097, or by calling 316-942.4291.

The Newman University Office of Disability Services coordinates support services so that students with qualified disabilities have equitable access while attending Newman University. Please note: Newman University does not provide personal services, including, but not limited to: prescribed medical devices, a personal attendant, or devices of a personal nature. Newman University also does not provide accommodations that would represent a fundamental alteration of an educational program.

The process for disability services can be initiated at any point prior to or during the semester. In most cases, to be eligible for these services, documentation from a licensed medical or mental health professional must be provided. The documentation must be no more than three (3) years old, state the nature of the disability, and clearly describe the kinds of accommodations recommended by the licensed professional.

Documentation and other required forms should be sent to: ADA/504 Coordinator, Disability Services Office, Newman University, 3100 McCormick, Wichita, KS 67213. After assessing the documentation, the coordinator will work with the student and the professors concerning the reasonable accommodations for the student. For more information, contact the ADA/504 Coordinator at 316.942.4291 ext. 2235 or by emailing disabilityservices@newmanu.edu . More information can be found by visiting the Newman University website.

Title IX Policy

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”) protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities which receive federal funding. Title IX states: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

The University will respond promptly and equitably to reports of Title IX violations, pursuant to its Title IX Procedures. For additional information, as well as to obtain a copy of the University’s Title IX Policy, or to contact the University’s Title IX Coordinator, please visit the University’s Title IX web page, located at:



Newman University is a coeducational Catholic liberal arts institution offering associate, baccalaureate, and graduate degrees.

The university is a sponsored ministry of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ, United States Region, whose congregation was founded in Italy in 1834 by Saint Maria De Mattias, an outstanding educator. The community came to the United States in 1870, and the first group of sisters to arrive in Wichita established a school for girls in 1902.

In 1933, Sacred Heart Junior College was opened with full year and summer courses available for both religious and lay women. The college was reorganized in 1952 as a four year liberal arts college (Sacred Heart College) to more effectively serve the educational needs of its students. In 1958, a regular evening program, also open to men, was initiated. This was expanded in 1963 to permit granting degrees to men. In 1965, Sacred Heart College became coeducational with residence facilities for both men and women. Master’s degrees were offered beginning with the 1992-93 academic year.

The name change from Sacred Heart College to Kansas Newman College was effective in 1973 and on July 1, 1998 the name was changed to Newman University. The university is named after Saint John Henry Newman (1801-1890), an intellectual leader in the Catholic Church and in Catholic philosophy of education.


Newman University is located on a 61-acre campus in southwest Wichita, easily accessible from U.S. Highway 54, Kansas Highway 42, and Interstate 235. It is 10 minutes from downtown and 10 minutes from the airport, which is served by several major airlines.

BEATA HALL: Opened in the fall of 2000, this hall provides housing for men and women in an expanded suite option where five residents, each with a private bedroom, share two baths, a living room and a kitchenette.

BISHOP GERBER SCIENCE CENTER: Erected in 2017, this state-of-the art Center houses faculty offices, research space and classrooms.

CARROCCI HALL: Erected in 2007, this student residence features traditional suite-style units with two bedrooms and a shared bath. A limited number of private rooms are also available.

DE MATTIAS FINE ARTS CENTER: This facility, opened in 2000, includes a performance hall, the Jabara Flexible Theater with dressing rooms and a scene shop, music rehearsal space with studio and practice rooms, an art gallery and studios for sculpture, ceramics, painting, drawing, and computer graphics.

DUGAN LIBRARY AND CAMPUS CENTER: Erected in 2007, this 56,000 square-foot complex includes the university library, study and gathering areas, classrooms, a bookstore, a cafe, a convenience store, a student center, computer labs, an alumni lounge and a conference center.

ECK HALL: Dedicated in 1995, this facility houses nursing and allied health classrooms, labs, offices and two computer labs.

FUGATE HALL: Built in 2007, Fugate Hall features two- and four-bedroom apartments available only to upper-classmen and graduate students.

MABEE DINING CENTER: Opened in the fall of 2000, this hall provides food preparation and serving areas and dining space for more than 300 people.

MCNEILL HALL: Erected in 1961, this is the location of faculty offices and classrooms.

MERLINI HALL: Erected in 1967, this hall provides housing for both men and women. The capacity is 156.

O’SHAUGHNESSY SPORTS COMPLEX: This facility, completed in 1999, includes a 1,100 seat gymnasium, coaches’ offices and conference room, an aerobics/weight room, locker rooms and an elevated indoor track.

SACRED HEART HALL: Erected in 1923, this facility houses administrative offices, St. John’s Chapel, classrooms, and a student lounge.

Newman University seeks to admit qualified students interested in career preparation through the liberal arts. A selective admissions process allows each candidate to be considered on an individual basis.