2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 08, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Life

Student Life

The Department of Student Life supports the holistic development and success of students through community involvement and collaborative relationships in an environment driven by the core values of Newman University. Opportunities for recreation and learning beyond the boundaries of the classroom are provided, resulting in a comprehensive educational experience.

Intercollegiate Athletics

Newman is a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), Division II. The university is now part of the MIAA (Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association). Newman fields intercollegiate teams in both men’s and women’s basketball, cross country, golf, soccer and tennis, as well as men’s baseball and wrestling, and women’s softball and volleyball. Newman also offers men’s and women’s bowling teams, and men and women’s triathlon, which compete in intercollegiate conferences. Athletics also offers Cheer and Dance as part of the Jets Spirit Squad.

Residence Life

Community living is an integral part of the total education of a student. For this reason it is mandatory that students live on campus the first two years of their Newman education. Newman University offers four options for on-campus living: Beata Hall, New Hall and Fugate Hall. These options facilitate the intellectual and social growth of students in a Christian community.

BEATA HALL features an expanded suite option where five residents, who each have a private bedroom, share two baths, a living room and a kitchenette.

CARROCCI HALL offers standard suite-style living with two bedrooms and a shared bath. These units are designed for two freshman students per bedroom.

FUGATE HALL features two- and four-bedroom apartments available only to upper-classmen and graduate students. Two-bedroom units include private bedrooms with full bath and kitchen. A limited number of four-bedroom apartments feature four bedrooms, two full baths, a kitchen and a common dining room and living area.

EACH HALL is staffed by residence life personnel and/or student resident assistants. The staff is specially trained to help residents become leaders in the halls, on campus and in the community. Each building includes laundry facilities and free e-mail service, Internet and cable television hookups.

Academic & Student Support Services

Runway Learning Center

301 SACRED HEART HALL, 316-942-4291, EXT. 2318

Runway Learning Center provides student support services and is committed to providing integrated services to empower students to realize and achieve their goals and to facilitate students making successful academic, career and personal transitions. The Center is located in room 301 of Sacred Heart Hall (Administration Building).

COMPUTERS/PRINTER: There are computers and printing available for student use. The computers contain software such as Microsoft Windows and Office, tutorials for nursing, algebra, pharmacology, psychology; Tableau Prep Building, Visual Studio 2019, Visual Studio Code.

ACADEMIC ADVISING: Personalized academic advising is provided through the Runway Learning Center to students who are undecided on a major, conditionally admitted, on academic probation or dismissed from an academic program, or otherwise unsure about how to proceed with selecting or changing a major.

TUTORING: Free tutoring services are offered to Newman students seeking help with their studies. The students can connect with TutorMe, an online tutor platform, 24/7, 365 days a year for a single problem or for a 3-hour lesson. Highly qualified tutors are available to assist in 300+ subject areas. Writing assistance is available through Tutorme.com. The online tutors are trained using the CRLA model (College Reading and Learning Association.)

TutorMe access is available through each Canvas course. Google Chrome will allow for the best service.

The Center has set times for students to drop in for tutoring assistance and an online scheduler for individualized tutoring (https://newmanu.mywconline.com)

CAREER SERVICES: Counseling regarding career options, occupational interest testing and guidance in resume writing and interviewing skills is available. Online resume and interview assistance is available to on-and off-campus students. The Career Services staff also provides assistance to students in deciding on a major. A current library of career information, current job openings (Handshake), career planning courses are also available. All services are confidential and free of charge.

PERSONAL COUNSELING: Confidential personal counseling is available without charge for students who wish to engage in self-exploration or to discuss concerns about college, family or personal life. Arrangements for personal counseling are made through the Runway Learning Center, room 301 of Sacred Heart Hall. A self-help reference library and listing of referrals and other resources is also available.

PROJECT CARE: Faculty and staff who are concerned about any aspect of a student’s experiences or performance submit the student’s name to Project Care. The Project Care Coordinator provides these students’ referrals to academic assistance and support services.

ADA ACCOMMODATIONS: Students requesting accommodations are responsible for initiating the Accommodations process and should make an appointment to visit the Disability Services Office by calling 316.942.4291 ext. 2235 or by emailing disabilityservices@newmanu.edu .

TESTING SERVICES: The testing services are located in room 301 of Sacred Heart Hall. To schedule an exam go to the online scheduler (https://newmanu.mywconline.com) and create an appointment. Tests offered include: Makeup exams, Newman University Placement, Residual ACT, and CLEP. Test preparation materials and registration bulletins are available for GRE, GRE subject exams, MCAT, GMAT, NCLEX, TOEFL, SAT, LSAT, DAT, PCAT, VETs, the Social Work Board Examination, OAT, and ACT.

INTERNATIONAL STUDENT SERVICES: Students attending Newman University on a F-1 Visa are provided services that include, but are not limited to: providing guidance on maintaining F-1 Immigration Status, help for F-1 students wishing to apply for employment permissions, advice in navigating University policies and processes, and cultural adaptation assistance including domestic processes like getting a bank account. International students are responsible for maintaining their status, keeping up-to-date documentation on file with International Student Services, and abiding by all applicable Department of Homeland Security regulations and Newman University policies. Please note: International Student Services is not a legal service and does not supply legal immigration advice.

Dugan Library

The Dugan Library, located within the Dugan Library and Campus Center complex, is the university’s center of knowledge management. It offers students a central, inviting and comfortable place to conduct research, receive individual or group instruction, and obtain assistance with assignments. Two computer labs are available for students as well as access to the campus Wi-Fi network. Students may use the computers to access research databases, Web-based resources, type papers, check e-mail and print assignments and other needed documents.

Dugan Library provides high-quality research resources both in print and online. Thousands of print books are available for 30 day check out and millions of full-text articles are available for immediate download and use by students and faculty. Books not owned by Dugan Library may be borrowed from a network of thousands of libraries across the country. Copies of articles that are indexed but not available full-text in the databases may also be requested by students. This service is provided at no charge for current students and faculty. In addition to books, periodicals, databases, and videos, the library also has projectors and laptops for students to check out for use in class presentations and other events.

The first floor houses magazines, journals, reference materials and videos, as well as public computers, a classroom for library instruction and the main circulation desk. The second floor is a designated quiet area with study rooms for group and individual use. Books available for check out are located on the second floor.

There are two special collections at Dugan Library. The Education Library provides curriculum materials (K-12) and children’s literature for students preparing for careers in education. The Newman Collection is comprised of materials by and about the University’s namesake, Saint John Henry Newman.

Service Learning

An orientation toward service is an integral part of the Newman University experience. We are dedicated to helping students grow in their understanding of the interdependence of our global society and in their sense of civic responsibility. Students will have many opportunities to participate in service.

Each year, several student applicants travel to different areas of the country or world to serve those in need. These mission trips have been to a variety of places such as the inner city of Chicago, a Navajo reservation at Crownpoint, N.M. and a Franciscan mission in Guaymas, Mexico.

Campus Ministry

The Campus Ministry program offers a variety of programs and services, throughout the academic year, to all students. While Newman University is a Catholic institution, many of our students are not Catholic. The university is committed to providing a range of activities and services that meet the needs of students of many faiths.

For Catholic students, there is the opportunity to participate frequently in the celebration of the Eucharist or communion service. The Campus Ministry Office sponsors reconciliation services, scripture study, RCIA and service opportunities.

The Campus Ministry program is committed to the spiritual formation of Newman students. This reflects the university’s commitment to go beyond the concept of instruction in the classroom or education within the institution.

It encompasses a commitment to help students become all they are capable of being through the development of sound moral principles and beliefs based on a Christian conscience.

Student Organizations

Newman University recognizes a variety of student clubs and organizations that encourage engagement and involvement on campus. Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) agree to uphold the mission of the university, abide by the rules and regulations stated in the Registered Student Organization Manual, and are responsible for all behavior and actions of the organizations and its members. All student organizations are required to register with the Student Activities Office at the beginning of each academic year.

Student Leadership Organizations

CAMPUS ACTIVITIES BOARD (CAB): The Campus Activities Board is a student-led event programming organization at Newman University. CAB provides social, multicultural, recreation and educational activities for the University’s students and other interested members of the campus community.

RESIDENT ASSISTANTS: A group of students who work together in the residence halls to provide assistance and ensure that all residents have a beneficial experience.

STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION (SGA): The Student Government Association (SGA) is the governing body for Newman University students. SGA is responsible for governing student interests, advocating for student concerns, providing support and recognition for registered student organizations, and serving students by hosting activities and events that enhance Student Life.

STUDENT MINISTERS: A group of students who develop and coordinate spiritual programs and activities for other students.

Health Insurance

International students are required to have health insurance throughout their stay at Newman University. The premium (cost) of the health insurance policy will be automatically billed to the student’s account each semester.

Additional information regarding health related issues can be found in the Newman University Student Handbook Planner.

Student Center

The Student Center is located in the Dugan Library and Campus Center building. The Student Center serves as a central gathering space for students. The area features pool tables, Foosball, a fireplace lounge, computer lab, large screen televisions and wireless internet access.

Student Responsibility

The Student Handbook contains a listing of student rights and responsibilities. The Student Handbook augments this catalog and provides further information regarding student experiences at Newman University. Copies of the Student Handbook are available on the Newman University website.

Student Code of Conduct

The Student Code of Conduct at Newman University promotes student learning and development and a campus culture of respect and responsibility. We aim to encourage a community of acceptance and accountability by creating processes and policies designed to resolve conflict in an appropriate manner. We work collaboratively with students, faculty, staff, and community partners to communicate expectations and address concerning behaviors and potential violations of University policy and connect students to helping resources for education, empowerment, and encouragement of behavior change. Students are expected to observe what is going on around them and respond to the best of their ability, which may include notifying University officials, to influence a better outcome. Similarly, students are expected to report potential code violations to the appropriate authorities. It shall be the responsibility of each student to comply with appropriate standards of conduct and decorum befitting members of an educational community, to interact in a civil manner with other members of the University community, and to respect the property of others. Student conduct, individual and that of student groups, is expected to be in keeping with the University mission and the missions of the respective areas or offices (e.g., Athletics, Student Activities, Residence Life, Campus Activities Board Programs, etc.).

Voter Registration

Voter registration forms are available in the waiting area for the Financial Aid Office, Student Accounts Office and Registrar’s Office. All students are encouraged to register to vote in order to participate in the electoral process.